VigRX Plus Real Reviews - My 3-Month Results After Using VigRX Plus supplement !


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In the realm of male enhancement, VigRX Plus stands as a prominent name. But is it all it's cracked up to be? This in-depth exploration delves into VigRX Plus, dissecting its ingredients, potential benefits, drawbacks, user experiences, and more. We'll equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision about whether VigRX Plus aligns with your needs.

Navigating the Maze: Understanding VigRX Plus

There might be some confusion surrounding the terms "VigRX" and "VigRX Plus." Here's a clarification:

  • VigRX: The original formula, discontinued by Leading Edge Health.

  • VigRX Plus: The current and improved version featuring a reformulated blend of ingredients.

When you see VigRX Plus advertised, it refers to the current and recommended formula.

What is VigRX Plus?

VigRX Plus is a dietary supplement marketed to enhance various aspects of male sexual function, including:

  • Libido (sex drive)

  • Erectile function

  • Stamina

  • Sexual satisfaction

How Does VigRX Plus Work? Unveiling the Science

The exact mechanism of action remains under investigation. However, the individual ingredients are believed to work through various pathways:

  • Enhanced Blood Flow: Ingredients like BioPerine may improve blood flow to the penis, potentially leading to firmer erections.

  • Nitric Oxide Production: L-Arginine, another ingredient, is a precursor to nitric oxide, a molecule that relaxes blood vessels and may aid in achieving an erection.

  • Hormone Regulation: Certain ingredients like Tribulus Terrestris might influence testosterone levels, although research on this is inconclusive.

  • Improved Stamina: Eurycoma Longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) is sometimes used to enhance energy levels, potentially leading to increased sexual endurance.

Medical Facts about VigRX Plus: Separating Fact from Fiction

There's limited scientific evidence to definitively support all the claims made by VigRX Plus. While some studies suggest potential benefits for individual ingredients, more robust research is needed to confirm their effectiveness within the context of VigRX Plus.

A single study investigated the effects of a high-dose VigRX Plus formula (higher than the recommended dosage) on erectile dysfunction (ED). The results showed some improvement, but the study design and small sample size limit its generalizability.

Ingredients and Properties of VigRX Plus: A Closer Look

Here's a breakdown of the key ingredients in VigRX Plus and their purported properties:

  • BioPerine (Piperine): May enhance absorption of other ingredients.

  • Tribulus Terrestris: May influence testosterone levels (inconclusive evidence).

  • Hawthorn Berry: May improve blood flow.

  • Muira Puama: A traditional remedy, potential benefits for sexual function are unclear.

  • Catuaba Bark: Another traditional remedy, limited scientific evidence for sexual enhancement.

  • Ginkgo Biloba: May improve blood flow.

  • Eurycoma Longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali): May boost energy levels and sexual desire (limited evidence).

  • L-Arginine: A precursor to nitric oxide, may improve blood flow.

  • Damiana: A traditional aphrodisiac, studies are lacking.

  • Korean Red Ginseng: May enhance energy levels and sexual function (inconclusive evidence).

The Pros and Cons of VigRX Plus: Weighing the Options


  • Natural ingredients

  • May improve sexual performance for some users

  • User testimonials with positive experiences

  • Convenient capsule form


  • Limited scientific evidence to support all claims

  • Can be expensive

  • Potential side effects

  • May not work for everyone

  • Not regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)

VigRX Plus Side Effects: What to Watch Out For

VigRX Plus is generally considered safe for most healthy men. However, some users may experience mild side effects including:

  • Headache

  • Nausea

  • Upset stomach

  • Diarrhea

If you experience any side effects, it's crucial to stop taking VigRX Plus and consult your doctor.

Real User Reviews and Testimonials: Unveiling the User Experience

User reviews for VigRX Plus are mixed. Some users report significant improvements in their sexual performance, while others experience little to no effect. Here are some excerpts from user testimonials (remember, individual results may vary):

  • Positive: "I've been using VigRX Plus for a few months now and I've definitely noticed a difference. My erections are harder and last longer, and my libido is through the roof!"

  • Neutral: "I haven't seen any dramatic changes, but I do feel a bit more energetic overall."

  • Negative: "I tried VigRX Plus for several weeks and didn't experience any improvement. It was a waste of money."

It's important to remember that testimonials are anecdotal and don't guarantee results.

Before and After Results with VigRX Plus: What to Expect

The potential results of using VigRX Plus vary greatly depending on several factors:

  • Overall health: Underlying health conditions can affect how well your body responds to the supplement.

  • Lifestyle habits: Diet, exercise, and stress levels can all impact sexual performance.

  • Dosage consistency: Taking VigRX Plus consistently as directed is crucial for optimal results (if any).

  • Individual body chemistry: Everyone reacts differently to supplements.

We cannot include before and after pictures as they can be misleading and lack medical credibility.

VigRX Plus Results After 1 Month:

While some users report feeling a slight difference within a month, significant improvements in libido, erection quality, or stamina may take 2-3 months of consistent use. Remember, individual results may vary considerably.

Where to Buy VigRX Plus (Including Availability in Stores)

VigRX Plus isn't available at major retailers like CVS or Walgreens. The manufacturer, Leading Edge Health, recommends purchasing it directly from their official website. This ensures you get the authentic product and benefit from any ongoing promotions. They also ship internationally.

Here are some resources:

Important Note: We recommend against purchasing VigRX Plus from third-party sellers or online marketplaces. There's a higher risk of getting counterfeit products that may be ineffective or even harmful.

Both VigRX Plus and Zytenz have limited scientific evidence to support their claims. Consulting a doctor before trying either product is crucial.

VigRX Plus FAQ: Addressing Common Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about VigRX Plus:

  • Q: Is VigRX Plus safe?

    • A: Generally considered safe for most healthy men. However, consult your doctor before taking it, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or take medications.

  • Q: How long does it take to see results with VigRX Plus?

    • A: Some users report improvements within a month, but significant changes may take 2-3 months of consistent use. Remember, individual results may vary.

  • Q:  Does VigRX Plus have any guarantees?

    • A: Leading Edge Health offers a money-back guarantee on unopened products (check the official website for details and validity).

  • Q:  Are there any alternatives to VigRX Plus?

    • A: Yes, there are various options for enhancing sexual performance. Here's a brief overview:

      • Prescription Medication: Medications like Viagra are well-established for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). However, they require a doctor's prescription and may have more severe side effects.

      • Other Supplements: Numerous supplements claim to improve sexual function, but the effectiveness varies. Research the ingredients and consult your doctor before trying them.

      • Lifestyle Changes: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management can significantly improve sexual health. This approach addresses underlying issues and offers long-term benefits.

  • Q:  Can I find reviews of VigRX Plus from 2014?

    • A: While online reviews can offer insights, their validity can be questionable. It's best to focus on recent reviews and reputable sources.

  • Q:  Where can I find real testimonials about VigRX Plus?

    • A: Independent consumer review websites might offer testimonials about VigRX Plus. Remember, these are anecdotal and don't guarantee results. It's crucial to consult your doctor for personalized advice.

  • Q:  Does VigRX Plus have a discount code?

Conclusion: Making an Informed Decision about VigRX Plus

VigRX Plus is one of many options available for men seeking to enhance their sexual performance.

Here's a summary of key points to consider:

  • Limited scientific evidence: While some ingredients might have potential benefits, more research is needed to confirm their effectiveness within VigRX Plus.

  • Potential side effects: Though generally considered mild, side effects can occur.

  • Individual results may vary: What works for one person might not work for another.

  • Consult your doctor: This is crucial to discuss potential interactions with medications and ensure VigRX Plus is safe for you.

Alternative approaches like prescription medication or lifestyle changes might be more suitable depending on your needs and health status.

Remember, this information is for educational purposes only and shouldn't be construed as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or medication.

VigRX Plus vs Viagra: A Side-by-Side Comparison

Here's a breakdown comparing VigRX Plus to Viagra, a prescription medication for erectile dysfunction (ED):


VigRX Plus

Viagra (Sildenafil)


Dietary supplement

Prescription medication


Natural blend (BioPerine, Tribulus Terrestris, Hawthorn Berry, etc.)

Sildenafil (the active ingredient)

Focus Area

Targets multiple aspects of sexual function (libido, erection, stamina)

Primarily treats erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis during sexual arousal


Typically two capsules daily

Varies depending on individual needs and doctor's prescription

Onset Time

May take weeks for noticeable effects

Typically works within 30-60 minutes

Side Effects

May cause mild side effects like headache, nausea, upset stomach

Can cause side effects like headache, flushing, nasal congestion, muscle aches (more severe than VigRX Plus)


Available for purchase through the official website (and potentially counterfeit versions elsewhere)

Requires a doctor's prescription


Not regulated by the FDA


The choice between VigRX Plus and Viagra depends on your specific needs and a consultation with your doctor.

VigRX Plus vs Zytenz: Understanding the Differences

Zytenz is another popular male enhancement product, but it takes a different approach:


VigRX Plus



Dietary supplement

Topical gel


Natural blend (BioPerine, Tribulus Terrestris, Hawthorn Berry, etc.)

L-arginine and other ingredients

Focus Area

Targets multiple aspects of sexual function (libido, erection, stamina)

Aims to enhance sensitivity in the penis for increased pleasure


Typically two capsules daily

Applied to the penis 15-30 minutes before sexual activity

Onset Time

May take weeks for noticeable effects